The LSSA distinguish three different types of partner organizations. Check out below what type of organization is applicable for you. If you as a training organization want to sign up as a LSSA-partner, check out the requirements and submit the request form below.
Accredited Training Organizations (ATO)
‘Accredited Training Organizations‘ (ATOs) are commercial training institutes, providing trainings to professionals. These training providers are committed to deliver quality training for organizations and individuals in various sectors. Some ATO also help organizations to put the acquired knowledge into practice and help organizations to introduce and develop a culture of continuous improvement. Lean Six Sigma Green and Black Belts are trained to lead breakthrough improvement projects, while Orange and Yellow Belts are trained to perform Kaizen initiatives and to contribute as team member in Green and Black Belt projects.
Some ATOs might be specialized in providing training in continuous improvement and might already deliver Lean Six Sigma trainings with dedicated (Master) Black Belt trainers and have developed their own Lean Six Sigma training content. Other training institutes provide different kind of trainings, including Lean Six Sigma. These ATOs might work with independent trainers and do not have developed their own set of training content. Both types of ATO can apply to become an official LSSA-partner.
In case an ATO does not employ its own (Master) Black Belt, the LSSA can introduce the ATO to independent (Master) Black Belt trainers. Another possibility is to sign up trainers to the ‘LSSA-Train-the-Trainer’-program. If ATOs do not have training content available they can order elearning Vouchers and books from the ‘Climbing the Mountain’ series to support their trainings. Visit our webshop or contact us for special volume discount. Accredited ATOs can also request a free set of Vanilla slides, which is a basic slide deck to get you started developing a full professional slide deck.
Vocational Educational Training organizations (VET)
‘Vocational Educational Training organizations’ (VETs) are non-commercial educational organizations and institutes like schools and universities, lecturing students. Many Vocational Educational Training institutes nowadays have incorporated Lean Six Sigma as a course. VETs that teach at EQF level 3 and 4 regularly provide training at the Yellow Belt level, while VETs that teach at EQF level 5 and 6, like universities, regularly provide training at the Green Belt level.
VETs can sign up their teachers to the ‘LSSA-Train-the-Trainer’-program which will prepare them for providing the Lean Six Sigma training. VETs can order books from the ‘Climbing the Mountain’ series to support the student courses. Visit our webshop or contact us for special volume discount. Registered VETs can also request a free set of Vanilla slides, which is a basic slide deck to get you started developing a full professional slide deck. Elearning Vouchers and Exam Vouchers are offered for a reduced price to non-commercial VETs for the purpose of lecturing students.
Corporate Training Centers (CTC)
‘Corporate Training Centers’ (CTC) are companies that already fully adopted Kaizen, Lean and Six Sigma methodologies to deploy continuous improvement activities. In order to further develop and strengthen the continuous improvement culture across the organization, Lean Six Sigma Yellow, Orange and Green Belt trainings are provided to larger groups. Sometimes also Black Belts and Champions are trained.
CTCs can sign up their internal trainers to the ‘LSSA-Train-the-Trainer’-program which will prepare them for providing Lean Six Sigma internal trainings. CTCs can order books from the ‘Climbing the Mountain’ series to use for internal trainings. Visit our webshop or contact us for special volume discount. Registered CTCs can also request a free set of Vanilla slides, which is a basic slide deck to get you started developing a customer made professional slide deck for internal trainings. Elearning Vouchers and Exam Vouchers are also offered for the purpose of internal trainings.
Independent Accredited Trainers (IAT)
Different Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) work with independent trainers to provide Lean Six Sigma trainings. The LSSA connects Accredited Training Organizations with independent Accredited Trainers. If you are an experience Green or (Master) Black Belt, and if you want to provide trainings in association with an ATO, please register yourself as an Independent Accredited Trainer.
To become an Independent Accredited Trainer you might want to sign up yourself for the ‘LSSA-Train-the-Trainer’-program. This will prepare you for providing Lean Six Sigma trainings. In order to become an accredited trainer, you need to pass the theoretical exam. If you would like to provide training at the Yellow Belt level, you can get registered as certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, by passing the theoretical Green Belt exam. If you would like to provide training at the Green Belt level, you can get registered as certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, by passing the theoretical Black Belt exam. If you already hold an accreditation of another certification institute, please send us a copy of your certificate for review.